By Susan Gregory
The Daniel Fast Journal
Experience God in the Secret Place of Fasting
The Daniel Fast is a spiritual experience so you can draw nearer to God and learn more about His ways. It’s your opportunity to “push the pause button” on everyday life and enter into a personal retreat with Christ. Your Daniel Fast Journal was designed and created to help you experience a successful Daniel Fast.
What You’ll Find in the Journal
Meal Planning Charts
Christ-centered prayer guidelines
Pages to declare the desires of your heart
Journal pages for your 21-day Daniel Fast with prompts and daily verses
Pages to review your fasting experience and give thanks for your growth
Matte cover for this lovely 6″ x 9″ journal
How to Use Your Daniel Fast Journal

Plan Your Meals
Planning one week of menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks will free you from the trap of giving too much attention to what you will eat on the Daniel Fast. Use the pages in Your Daniel Fast Journal to plan your menus. Then each day you already have your decisions made!
Planning your meals will save you money, time, and anxiety! You’ll be free to spend more time in prayer, meditation, and study. Plus, you’ll gain a sense of calm and control as you experience this powerful spiritual adventure of faith.

The Desires of Your Heart
What do you really want for your life this year and beyond? Spend some time prayerfully thinking about your desires and then select 10 to consider. Get into God’s book of promises to you (your Bible) and find the verses that relate to your desire. Then beginning on page 11, make your petition for each of your desires.
Each day of your fast, prayerfully list your 10 desires in the space provided. As you do, listen for the Holy Spirit to give you directions, insights, and ideas. Writing your desires each day keeps them at the forefront of your thinking. You will keep your heart open and your mind alert to the Lord. Ask. Believe. Receive.

Day by Day Journal Pages
Start each day of your fast on the path. Use the daily pages of Your Daniel Fast Journal to examine your heart and center on the Lord. Open your heart to God’s Holy Spirit and allow Him to minister to you. Document your experiences. Record your gratitude. Give praise to the Lord.
As you prayerfully complete the daily pages during your quiet time with the Lord, you’ll sense His presence and experience the love and blessings of being His child. These pages also help you to remain consistent so you will have the successful fast that you desire.
Best Selling Author
Susan Gregory
Susan Gregory calls herself The Daniel Fast Blogger, however, most people consider her The Daniel Fast Expert. She has personally experienced the Daniel Fast many times in her life, but in 2007 she started a simple blog to write about it. Since that time she has helped hundreds of thousands of men, women, and teens experience a successful Daniel Fast. Her simple blog has had more than 12 million visits and Susan and her team have responded to more than 25,000 questions, comments, and praise reports.
Coming soon
January 7, 2019
Podcast: Faith Driven Life with Susan Gregory
A brand new weekly podcast about faith, growth, personal development, and becoming the bright lights God calls every believer to be!
January 21, 2019
Launch • Bright Lights Membership
Stay tuned to learn more about a brand new community of believers who won’t settle for mediocrity or boredom . . . and want to go for a dynamic and faith-driven life with Christ at the center of all they do.
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