A trend that continues to grow in the United States and throughout the world is for church congregations and faith study groups to enter into a corporate fast. A corporate fast is when a body of believers come together to fast and pray for a specific purpose along with the purposes of the individuals fasting.
We offer churches and study groups a few tools that will help your members understand the fast so they will have a successful experience. We also recommend that the leaders read the Daniel Fast book to become familiar with the fast so they can teach it with clear instructions and knowledge.
Here are a few tools you can use to prepare your members:
- Daniel Fast Food List Brochure (print front and back, tri-fold format)
- Daniel Fast Meal Planning Worksheet (print on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper)
- Daniel Fast Sample Recipe (print on 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper)
I also encourage you to stress to your members that this is a spiritual experience and not just another way of eating for 21 days. It’s okay to enjoy meals and make nice meals for the family that comply with the fasting guidelines. However, many people miss the great value of the fast by putting to much attention on the food and working hard to satisfy the flesh. Entering into an extended time of prayer and fasting can bring powerful spiritual blessings and result for all participants, but they will miss the blessing if food becomes the priority.