register for the new year fast
The Daniel Fast
Are you ready to get closer to God and learn how to exercise your faith for results?
The world is full of challenges and stress. Praise God that He offers a different life for us. And He’s inviting you to be with Him on a personal retreat as you begin the New Year.
Begins at sunrise on Sunday, January 8th
A Quick intro
Thanks for being here! My guess is that you’re like the rest of us who plan to join the New Year Fast. We’re all so hungry for a safe and loving time with God.
My name is Susan Gregory. I’m often referred to as “The Daniel Fast Expert.” More than 500,000 of my books about the Daniel Fast have been used by people pursuing a biblical fast to bring change and growth to their lives.
I’ve been teaching about the Daniel Fast since 2007 and I’ve had the honor of leading millions of women and men of faith in a successful fasting experience.
The Daniel Fast is a method of fasting. Most people use the Daniel Fast when they begin the New Year with extended prayer and fasting.
The New Year Fast that I will lead begins at sunrise on Sunday, January 9th, 2022, and is practiced for 21 consecutive days. If you’re not able to start on that day, no worries. Allow God to lead you on the day that’s right for you.
For now, I’m busy getting things ready for you and others who will join in the fast. Please be sure to complete the form above, and then watch your email inbox.
Be blessed as you look forward with expectancy for a life-changing and faith-building experience with your loving Father.

Learn About the Fast
I’ll send you emails that let you know more about the fast. I also record video lessons that you can find on YouTube and on Facebook.
Daily Devotionals
I am happy to send you a complimentary collection of daily devotions. Each day during your fast, you’ll receive a brief reading that you can use for your personal growth and meditation.
Online Courses
Most followers of Christ want an enriching and growth experience while the fast. Each year I develop a timely course to use to prepare, use, and complete your Daniel Fast. Watch your email inbox for announcements.
Join the Community
Our Daniel Fast Facebook Page is where you can connect with other like-minded women and men of faith during your fast. Visit and page and follow us.
Books and Resources
I’ve written multiple books about the Daniel Fast. They’re available at local and online bookstores, including Amazon.
God led me to start teaching about the Daniel Fast in 2007. I fulfill that assignment by blessing His people. I want to be an encouragement to you as you seek God and grow in your faith.
Complete the form above to learn more about how you can meet with God, receive His love, and grow in your faith with extended prayer and fasting.