Are you ready for a reset so you can go deeper with God?
It took me 23 years to discover this . . . now I want to show it to you in this FREE online training.
Discover the essential key in our faith that’s available to every Christian who learns about it and uses it.
✔ Receive Answers to Your Prayers
✔ Gain Intimacy with God
✔ Walk in Miracles, Blessings, and Favor from God
✔ Experience Financial, Health, and Relationship Breakthroughs
✔ Meditate on God’s Word so the Scriptures Come Alive to You
✔ Gain the Peace, Joy, Freedom, and Rest That is Already Yours
Everything is already yours . . . just learn how to believe and receive.
In this Susan Gregory Bible-Centered Class,
You’ll Discover . . .
✅ How to have a successful Daniel Fast experience so you can draw closer to God, receive answers to your prayers, and hear from the Lord.
✅ Discover the “secret in plain sight” that’s all in the Scriptures waiting for your receive and use.
✅ Learn the difference between being “carnal minded” and “spirit minded” and how the way you are affects your daily life.
✅ Learn about the invitation Jesus is giving to you right now and how it can take you out of stress, a mediocre faith, and disappointment.
✅ Uncover the simple secret to getting out of stress, confusion, chaos, and overwhelm, so you can have a life of peace, rest, and security.
✅ Find out all the rights, benefits, and blessings that are available to you right now, that you need only to believe and receive.
✅ Discover the two biggest mistakes people make on the Daniel Fast and how to avoid them.
About Susan Gregory
Susan Gregory is the bestselling author of The Daniel Fast: feed your soul, strengthen your spirit, and renew your body along with six other titles about the Daniel Fast. Through her books, online courses, and other resources, Susan has helped millions of Christians around the world experience a successful Daniel Fast.
She’s a master at taking complex spiritual principles and breaking them down into easy to understand lessons so Christians can draw closer to God, experience Him many blessings, and receive the promises He puts forth in His Word.
Susan takes people from a faith of mediocrity to a thriving life in Christ so they can fulfill God’s purpose for their lives and live in His glorious light.
For the first 23 years of Susan’s Christian life, she unknowingly had a carnal way of living out her faith. But in 2007 she experienced a miracle in her life and lessons from God that changed her understanding of the Scriptures, ushered her into an intimate relationship with Christ, and changed her life forever.
In this training, Susan shares her experience with you. She shows you the “secret in plain sight” that’s in the Scriptures, yet unknown by so many believers. Join Susan and learn about this essential key for a vibrant faith so you can receive answers to your prayers, live a Christ-centered life, and enter into His rest forever.
What People Say About Susan’s Books and Teachings
Faith-Building and Life-Changing
Where do I begin? Susan’s teachings changed my life. That’s a big statement or a much-overused cliche’ for sure, but it’s nothing more than the truth for me. I first participated in The Daniel Fast in 2014 and I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. From the step-by-step how-to’s to the recipes, to the daily devotionals, this is the ultimate guide to a fasting experience that will take you deeper in your relationship with God. And as an added bonus it will transform your body, as God transforms your mind and spirit. I am a firm believer in following the fasting guidelines to a tee. There’s a reason there are rules, just like in His Word there are rules, and the choice is ours to make, as everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. (I Cor. 10:23) If we choose to follow the rules, the results can be life-changing, just as they were for me! I am truly grateful to Susan Gregory and The Daniel Fast experience, but most importantly, I’m grateful to God for using the fast to draw nearer to Him. ~ Melissa
Easy to Follow the Steps
Since I bought this book I have done the 21-day fast and the 40-day fast during Lent, and they were both exceptional! Susan Gregory is using her gift of writing to glorify God as she helps her readers encounter the Father through fasting and prayer. I can say that using her fast and reading her devotionals daily kept me spiritually connected like never before. Her book is so easy to follow and offers many recipes to suit different appetites, but she is very clear that the fast is not about the food. I didn’t need to lose weight and actually added a little bigger portions after losing five pounds the first week. It is a great way to get healthy, physically and spiritually. I have bought this book as gifts for others and plan to use her book to lead and help others as they commit to fasting and prayer. Thanks, Susan!!! ~ Donna
Keeping the First Thing the First Thing
I’ve done simple fasts on my own. You know, the ones where you don’t eat sweets or bread or meat for three days or a week, but never a fast of any substance, because I really didn’t know how to prepare. Susan’s teaching gave me the background on why I was fasting, walked me through how to properly fast and how to decide on what I wanted to achieve through fasting, provided simple, filling recipes, and also provided a 21 day devotional. Susan taught me that fasting was not about concentrating on food, or lack thereof, but about emptying myself so that I could fill up on God. Thus, although I ate more than salad and other “rabbit food”, it was a simple fare so that meals and meal preparations did not become the focus, but rather sustenance to maintain my body, so I could concentrate on my spirit and soul. ~ TWB

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Do you feel like your life needs a reset? This free training is the “tow truck” that will pull you out of the funk for good! Get ready to live a faith-driven life that’s vibrant, secure, and Christ-centered!
This won’t be available much longer. Click below to claim your spot and choose a date and time you want to attend.